This is My Life: An Attitude of Gratitude

This is My Life: An Attitude of Gratitude

“Why me?” It’s a question that I’ve asked myself since a very young age, while my physical weakness continued its progression.  I never cared much about the technicalities of my diagnosis because it was simply something I had to fight through.  I thought if I kept...
How I Met My Nursie

How I Met My Nursie

When it comes to nursing, developing friendships is inevitable, especially with those who genuinely care about me (I can tell).  I love my nurses, at least 99% of them.  However, with Kristyn, it’s different.  I met her back in 2009 when she was only seventeen years...
If This is What it Takes

If This is What it Takes

My last visit to emergency was three months ago this day.  I gasped for air while my entire body went numb.  For the first time, the doctor said there was nothing he could do.  It was hopeless, hearing those words from the head of Intensive Care, but going home was at...
Dear Ricky

Dear Ricky

Dear Ricky, Oftentimes, I see you in my wake, lying in bed with eyes still open following midnight.  The rhythm of your heart accelerates to the point of gasping for air.  It haunts you when no one’s there.  Loneliness is your destined companion and yet you continue...
The One Thing Worth Fighting For

The One Thing Worth Fighting For

I watched a movie called Before I Disappear, about a suicidal man cajoled into looking after his niece.  Their adventure through the streets of Manhattan eventually forces him to re-evaluate his despairing reality.  He also lost his girlfriend recently and tries...