Putting on a smiling face amid a chronic disorder that takes away every ounce of strength, is incredibly difficult, but who ever said that life was easy?  With Duchenne muscular dystrophy, you work so much harder for rewards, yet despite how the physical keeps getting destroyed, it still doesn’t possess the power to deny your will.  Attaining freedom requires a beginning, and acceptance is always key.

When you accept both abilities and inabilities, newer, more promising opportunities arise with reality becoming clear.  Its foundation requires determination, being institutionalized with perpetual loss, but having a choice within a disease that gave no option, is nothing short of a privilege.  Whether you live or simply exist is your responsibility.

As momentum gains, your eyes are opened to find gratitude in all that you own.  You harness strength and realize that you actually aren’t terminal.  Restrictions are plentiful, but you’re alive, and the world rests at your fingertips.  Recognizing you will never have an excuse to wallow in self-pity is one of the most valuable lessons.

Because what does it mean to be positive?  What does it take to remain optimistic?  It’s about owning a realistic sense of hope.  Physical dependency depends on you not losing your individuality by relying on others for emotional needs as well.

So fight with everything you have, stand for what’s right, say what needs to be said, and die knowing that you gave your life purpose.  Funny, isn’t it, how there was never an option either?  Remember that you alone are capable, and living with an open heart is the only way.